Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ahhh, Spring!

Hey guys, it would not be the turn of the new season without the churn.

Kathy and I did the do: U-Pick cherries (ours, see photo) a week before the hoards descend upon the orchards.

We also hit the bossy U-Pick strawberry patch: These guys are hardcore. I think that they make more dough on the 25-cent toll for the cardboard box than they do on the fruit.

But here we are, kickin’ it on the fresh fruit tip. Kathy snips off a couple of artichokes that have taken over the joint; we ate them dipped in dressing. Very fun. And, as I like to call them, “Home- made,” as opposed to “homegrown.” The latter is correct, but the former is more fun,.

It’s the time of year when Kathy changes up the raised garden beds, but deducts many sleeping hours to shine a torch on same beds to trap an earwig or 30.

It’s summertime, and the livin’ is cheesy. All that it means is that all the early ripening tomatoes will get eaten by pests earlier than the others.

Worm bin: Abracabra! Compost box: Alakazam!

It is so wrong.

So how is it so right, when Kath and I go to Nunn Better Farms to pick cherries the week before the crowds are supposed to hit?

I want to say “Sweet!” but that would put the boots to the texture of this fruit.

We have cherries. We picked strawberries. We hoist a glass of wine made from local grapes.


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