Our oldest kitty, Otis, passed away this morning. She had been doing remarkably well on her new chemotherapy protocol. In fact, Sunday morning we were treated to a chorus of “maow…maow…maow” stated quite emphatically every 30 seconds until we got up to feed her.
We got Otis from the Humane Society in Seattle in 1999. I (Kathy) had wanted a cat for a long time. Tony had never had a pet. While Tony was away doing a play I made arrangements to adopt Miss Otis. (We never could change her name, although we have no idea how a female got the name of Otis.)
I was worried the first night I brought her home. Hearing stories of having to confine a new kitty to a bathroom I was concerned that she would tear the house apart. I shouldn’t have had a second thought. She settled in like the princess that she was. In fact, she kept trying to sleep on my chest all night! I found her the next morning, settled on a blanket on top of a bamboo chest, fast asleep.
These are the things I will miss most about “The Wee:”
She never used a scratching post and destroyed a lot of furniture with her claws.
We always had to have emergency cans of cat food around in case she ran out the front door (treats worked in the beginning…later bringing out the can opener didn’t even cause a reaction).
She would lay in your lap when she wanted to—no other time.
She would clean her fur after you petted her.
In our CA house she would “maow” in front of the gas fireplace until you turned it on.
The only water good enough for her was fresh from the faucet in the second floor shower.
Our other kitty, Taz, was often given a smack in the face at breakfast or dinner time…just for being nearby.
When we would go outside Otis would sit at the back window and “maow” to which we replied (over and over), “What, Wee?”
She was a good kitty. A great first kitty for Tony. We will miss her more than words could ever describe.
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