For the very first time, the City of Oakley has put together a bocce ball league through their parks and recreation department. Oakley has over a dozen parks citywide, but the park near our house has two bocce pitches, and that’s where we play. Turnout has been phenomenal, so much so that to accommodate all who signed up, teams play every two weeks, rather than weekly. Nearby Brentwood has had bocce for a while, and once Oakley started the program this year, a lot of bocce carpetbaggers migrated our way. Yeah, as with all things, there are some folks who are really hardcore: There were entire teams that had signed up together as one unit; others who were upset that each match consists of two games rather than what I gather is regulation-play three. Then there are the inexperienced single players like myself who just want to have a few laughs and learn something new. I’m pretty lousy, but I have made a couple of fluky good shots in my two outings so far. Fat lot of good they’ve done my team; we haven’t won a single game yet.
Yesterday, Kathy and I motored down, yet again, to Livermore, this time for the city’s annual WineFest. A neighbor had told us about it last year, and oddly enough, we ran into them yesterday at the event. We really hadn’t been in the heart of Livermore’s downtown, and it’s a charming area. For the fest, they block off an entire section of the main drag, and line it with an array of vendor booths (a lot of the usual suspects: Avon, Kettle Korn, etc.) As well, three wine tents throughout the venue featured sample pours from local wineries.
Kath and I had actually visited most of the actual wineries on previous trips to the outlying rural sections of the city, but it was nice to reacquaint ourselves with some of their wares, as well as be introduced to a couple of spots on the wine map that we hadn’t yet visited. One old familiar acquaintance, Crooked Vine Winery, was pouring their estate-grown Petite Sirah yesterday. It prompted Kathy to remember that we bought their 2007 Petite on a visit this past February. Pulling it out of the cellar upon our return home, Kath suggested that it would pair nicely with that night’s dinner of pan-seared lamb chops with fresh mint salad. Man, she was right. As usual. Crooked Vine’s version is a more elegant, less rustic varietal rendition of Petite, with a smoothness that doesn’t grab you by the lapels to demand attention.
It had been a nice, civilized day, as we soaked up some sun and tasted our way through WineFest, and then, as we headed back to the car, we discovered a great little wine shop downtown, run buy a friendly guy who used to be a regional wine buyer for Cost Plus World Market. The shop is tiny, but his selection and prices are a wonder. We came away with a few finds. Surprise, surprise.
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