Today is Kathy’s birthday.
I want so much to type Fred Astaire’s singing “Today is Washington’s Birthday” from “Holiday Inn,”
Kathy and I drove up to the Sugar Mill in Clarksburg yesterday to pick up our wines from 3 wine company: a nice couple of selections, namely a Carignane Rose from our ‘hood, and a nice off-dry Riesling.
I remember a thang from my Toronto stand-up comedy days in the ‘80s; comic Lou Dinos had a great bit about being buzzed at a party and writing great comedy ideas into his comic’s notebook: “Oh, man, that’s funny! Man, that is funny!”
He got home and looked at his notes. All that was written was, “Oh, man, that’s funny! Man, that is funny!”
Art imitates life, don’t it? I can’t remember the particular Martini that prompted me to dream up the title “Gin is My Editor,” about a would-be writer who, upon reading various articles and letters-to-the editor in weekly rags, would concoct perspicacious replies in his head, and promptly forget them.
Where was I going with this post? I’m thinking that I’ve already told Kathy all of my best stuff. I will say a great bit, but it’s already old-skool. I am tapped, man. As even Jon Stewart would say, “Uhhh, I got nothin’”
Oh, yeah. Sugar Mill. Always a pleasure to hook up with 3’s Erin, Kelly and Janet at das tasting bar to pick up our club selections.
A new tasting room opened across the hall, and specializing in whites for now, showed wonderfully. Clarksburg Wine Company offered a nice portfolio at a nice price point.
On the way home, we took the long way, and found a map that dissects the Delta like we’ve never seen. Everything is an island! I mean, one can get there, but geez, man, how do you decide to build a mansion on a levee?
OK, I admit that this has always been my question of life. Not: “Guru, why are we here?” Not: “Swami, what is the meaning of life?” I’m talking, where do you do groceries? What do you do on your snowbound road when you realize that you need capers? And, anyway, where the $% can I GET capers in this burg, never mind milk, and BTW, where’s my friggin’ Netflix?
Since we were already in Clarksburg, it as a quick (whiteknuckled) drive to IKEA Sacramento. But that’s IKEA, planned obsolescence. Wanna find a replacement for that TORTORP? Can’t do it. But can I interest you in our TREWQS? The same wrench works.
OK, those IKEA names are fake, but you know what I mean.
We had a bottle of the 3 wine company Riesling and this bottle from the Sweetwater Ranch in Monterey did the do with a podcast of Hollywood Babble-On and some of Kath’s outrageous Mango Chile
Perfect match. Off-dry, but acidity to navigate through red pepper and sweet mango fruit.
Happy Birthday, Kathleen Marie.
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